Ukens bilde, Kai Jensen

Foto: Kai Jensen

Sola har det ikke travelt i dag, bare fargene på himlen avslører at den er der.
Det er bare såvidt den orker stå opp.
Si god dag, og så god kveld.
Desemberlys, fanget på 0,8 sekunders lukkertid.
Jeg liker det, når dagene blir korte og lukkertidene lange.

Kai Jensen

Fotograf (1968) bosatt på Åneby i Nittedal. Leder i NN fra 2013 til 2020. Holder en rekke kurs og workshops i digital bildebehandling og fotografering, med spesialitet på Lightroom. Har utgitt boken ”Mitt Nordmarka” 2005, samt hatt en rekke bildeforedrag i inn og utland. Bildene er også publisert i medier, både i inn og utland. Premiert i flere konkurranser. Kåret til Norgesmester i Naturfoto i 2008. IFWP ”Picture of the year” 2006. Assosiert til Wild Wonders of Europe- prosjektet. Bildesalg gjennom Scanpix Creative. Naturfotograf med fokus på lys, form og farger.

Kai Jensen is an awarded nature photographer and writer in Norway. His work can be seen in several books. He is one of the founders of the magazin Natur og Foto. Chairman of The Society of Nature Photographers of Norway (NN), a union for professional photographers living in Norway.

Most of his work is based on nature and outdoor life. In addition to writing illustrated articles for magazines in Norway, he sells photographs for books and calenders. He holds many courses and workshops in nature photography, and he has hold countless classes in Lightroom. In 2005 Kai produced hes own book about the beautiful forest Nordmarka. Kai Is member of the Wild Wonders of Europe team. Today Kai is working on a new book about hes hometown that will be released in October. Kai sits on the jury of several major photo contest, like PGB Photo award, but also participates in some himself. He became Norwegian champion of Nature Photography in 2008, and IFWP ”Picture of the year” 2006.

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Ukens bilde i 2021:

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Ukens bilde i 2020:

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Ukens bilde i 2019:

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Ukens bilde i 2018

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